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The Psychology of Symmetry in Interior Design

Symmetry is a design technique that has been used for centuries, but what is the psychology behind it? How does symmetry affect our emotions, behavior, and well-being? In this article, we will explore the psychology of symmetry in interior design and its impact on our homes and lives.

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What is symmetry in interior design?

Symmetry is a design technique that involves creating a balanced and harmonious environment by placing identical or similar objects on either side of a central axis. In interior design, symmetry can be achieved through the placement of furniture, decorative objects, and lighting fixtures. Symmetry is often used in traditional and classical interior design styles, but it can also be used in modern and contemporary styles [1].

The psychology of symmetry

The human brain is wired to find symmetry pleasing to the eye. According to Gestalt Psychology, our brains automatically perceive objects in whole forms, rather than individual elements [3]. Symmetry evokes feelings of safety, comfort, and familiarity, which can have a calming effect on our emotions. It also creates a sense of order and predictability, which can reduce stress and anxiety [7].

The benefits of symmetry in interior design

The benefits of symmetry in interior design are numerous. Symmetry can create a sense of balance and harmony in a space, which can promote relaxation and well-being. It can also make a room appear more spacious and organized. Additionally, symmetry can help to emphasize certain design elements, such as a fireplace or a work of art, by framing them with identical or similar objects on either side [2].

When to use symmetry in interior design

Symmetry can be used in a variety of interior design styles, from traditional to contemporary. It is often used in formal spaces, such as living rooms and dining rooms, as well as in bedrooms and bathrooms. When using symmetry in interior design, it is important to consider the scale and proportion of the space, as well as the style of the furniture and decorative objects [1].

Alternatives to symmetry

While symmetry is a popular design technique, it is not the only option. Asymmetry, or the use of non-identical or dissimilar objects, can create a more dynamic and interesting space. Asymmetry can be achieved through the placement of furniture, decorative objects, and lighting fixtures, and can be used in a variety of interior design styles [8].

Asymmetry in interior design

Asymmetry is a design technique that involves the use of non-identical or dissimilar objects in space. This technique can create a more dynamic and interesting environment, as it allows for greater creativity and personal expression. Asymmetry can be achieved through the use of furniture, decorative objects, and lighting fixtures that are intentionally placed in a way that is not symmetrical. It is often used in contemporary and modern interior design styles, but can also be used in more traditional and classical styles [8].

Combining symmetry and asymmetry in interior design

Combining symmetry and asymmetry in interior design can create a sense of balance and harmony while also adding interest and variety to a space. This can be achieved through the use of asymmetrical furniture and decorative objects that are placed in a symmetrical arrangement. For example, a symmetrical sofa could be paired with asymmetrical chairs or decorative objects, creating a balanced yet dynamic environment [9].

The importance of balance in interior design

Balance is a key element in interior design, and is essential when using symmetry and asymmetry. Balance can be achieved through the placement of objects in a space, as well as through the use of color, texture, and lighting. A well-balanced room creates a sense of harmony and unity, which can have a positive impact on our emotions and well-being [4].

The role of architecture in symmetry

Architecture plays an important role in the use of symmetry in interior design. The placement of doors, windows, and other architectural elements can influence the symmetry of space. Using these elements as a starting point can help to create a more cohesive and balanced design. For example, a room with a large central window could be designed with symmetrical furniture and decorative objects that are centered around the window [2].

The impact of texture on symmetry in interior design

Texture can play a significant role in the impact of symmetry in interior design. While smooth and uniform textures are often associated with symmetry, mixing textures can create a more interesting and dynamic environment. For example, combining a smooth, symmetrical sofa with a textured rug or asymmetrical chairs can create a sense of balance and variety [6].

The role of color in symmetry in interior design

Color is another important element in the use of symmetry in interior design. Using a limited color palette can help to create a more cohesive and symmetrical environment. However, adding pops of color or contrasting colors can also create interest and variety. It is important to consider the mood and emotions that different colors evoke when using them in a symmetrical design [5].

The Impact of lighting on Symmetry in interior design

Lighting is a crucial element in the use of symmetry in interior design. Using symmetrical lighting fixtures, such as matching table lamps or pendant lights, can help to create a balanced and harmonious environment. However, adding asymmetrical lighting fixtures, such as a statement chandelier or wall sconce, can add interest and variety to a symmetrical design. It is important to consider the function of the space when choosing lighting fixtures and placement.


Symmetry is a design technique that has been used for centuries, and its impact on our emotions, behavior, and well-being has been studied extensively. While symmetry can create a sense of balance and harmony, it is not the only option for interior design. Asymmetry can add interest and variety to a space, while still maintaining a sense of balance. Combining symmetry and asymmetry can create a well-balanced and dynamic environment, while the use of color, texture, and lighting can enhance the impact of symmetry in interior design. By understanding the psychology of symmetry in interior design, we can create spaces that promote relaxation, well-being, and personal expression.

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